Travelling Mishaps

My husband and I are just getting back to normal life after a year long backpacking/roadtripping sabbatical. I'm sitting here a bit sad missing that freedom and though I would share one of the dumbest moments we had on the trip. We were in Germany and had an airbnb booked. We had driven from Croatia that day and despite leaving early we were about 2 hours late for our check in. I had gotten a simple phone plan in Croatia and assumed it would work in Germany (that was dumb of me) it did not so I had no way to let the host know and we were stuck in traffic so didn't want to get off to find WiFi. Anyways, we finally get to the city and are frantically trying to find the location. The GPS is taking us to some strange neighbourhoods that did not match the air bnb description. Finally we find a very nice German guy and ask him for help. We show him the address that we had written down. He looks really confused and is trying very hard not to smile when he says "this says nice one bedroom apartment". That's right we had put "nice one bedroom apartment" into the GPS. It all worked out and now I find it hilarious but I've never felt like more of a stupid tourist in my life!

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