Fulfilled my dream and photographed the F-22 Raptor today at the Space and Air Show in Sanford.

Obligatory first solo!

Just got back from 1-month trip to Kenya...

Concorde assembly line (1974)

Best Secluded Getaways in the US in November?

Ospreys over the George Washington Bridge


I want to travel the world!

Coronavirus Megathread (Early Nov 2020): For travel-related discussion in the context of COVID-19

DC-10 dropping fire retardant while doing an impressive maneuver

Scrapping a Concorde

Berlin's new airport finally opens: A story of failure and embarrassment

Recommendations for current things to do in Belize?

What are some great but inexpensive trips to take aeound the US?

Question: Getting to Ushuaia, Argentina from the United States or From London

Meandering down the Li River. Have you ever seen a Chinese painting? You know, one of those traditional works with bending trees, foggy skies, fierce mountain peaks, and pagodas in the distance? This is almost exactly what a scene from the Li River looks like.

Another era of air travel

I started playing around with some aircraft designs in my spare time

What a beaut

There’s nothing quite like an alpine lake to make you feel small - 📍Alpine Lakes Wilderness, Washington State, USA

What happens when I ride the JFK scam taxi?

Asstralian Air Force ? (NSFW)

A sky view from an helicopter of the Bund shanghai, China, from last visit in January, so beautiful

Well dam!!

How can I participate in the Sateré-Mawé ritual?

From my vintage and rare photographic collection this beautiful photo Slide taken at an air show on Sep. 1973, photographer and location unknown ...Enjoy (:

Took my antique Luscombe out for a spin before the sunset

Have USA/EU passports. USA expired. Need to travel outside USA.

A lot of time in a few places or a little time in a lot of places?

Blog - travelwithbretts

Baker Lake, at the base of Mt Baker in Washington

What is similar to bora bora

What are good hotels to go to and work remotely in Mexico or Dominica Republic?

Hey I need some information on american hot fees.

instagram : Aviotube

Had a great time in Bali...acted as a small tour guide, and bribed 2 cops

If you could only go to one place again, and it had to be somewhere you’ve already been where would it be?

Bird of Prey - was a black project aircraft, intended to demonstrate stealth technology. It was named in reference to the Klingon Bird of Prey warship from the Star Trek television series. The Bird of Prey was designed to prevent shadows.

The sculptures of San Agustín National Archeological Park, Colombia — five years ago on a year long road trip

Kruger National Park, South Africa 2017

"Eject! Eject!l"; F/A-18C Night Barricade on USS Constellation - Link to writeup in comments.

The winglets were shining just right (KMCO-KDEN)

Watching the Patrouille Suisse during my break

X-planes on display at the Edwards AFB open house in the 80's and 90's. X-31, X-29, X-1 (replica), and bonus spaceship!

Found a Bucket list level campsite here in Romania. I love this country.

Going solo from monthly airbnb while working from home has been tempting

After planning a 3-month trip to South America for over 3 years, COVID happened. However, I am very glad that we could go on a 2 week trip to the Northern part of Italy and do a road trip there before the second wave hit the Netherlands (I’m a Dutchie) :).

So i redid my 747 drawing what do ya think?