Only now discovered Anthony Bourdain and Parts Unknown - changing my perspective on life.

So, I gotta admit, I’m still a newbie at all this travelling malarkey, I yearn for exploration however never quite get round to accomplishing or devising plans to visit all the locations I want to. When first hearing about a relatively unknown to me Chefs death last month, and how it affected a great number of people, I was intrigued to learn more about this man - and I’m so glad I did.I stumbled across Parts Unknown on Netflix last week and vaguely knew the premise but didn’t quite know exactly what it was about. The show is a masterpiece, simply put. This man enjoyed this Earth and all its wonders and even though he proclaimed to have started his life too late, he still had a very fulfilled life at that.I feel as though I’m travelling to these places with him, sat on a rickety boat in the middle of the Congo River or walking down the mesmerising streets of Morocco; eating delicious foods, drinking and enjoying life at its purest. Not only is it fascinating for a travel lover but I’ve already learned so much by watching these episodes and I’ve only just started.Learning about different cultures, their history, the landmarks, their food staples, their traditions and livelihood - it’s captivating and compelling. Bourdains’ narration and outlook towards these various locations is perfect and I could listen to the man talk all day.I think I find solace in his death knowing that even though he struggled mentally, he lived his life as best he could; he visited all the places he dreamed and experienced what life is meant to be - a life shared with friends, laughter, good food, exploration, education - everything that I want to envisage my life to become. So thank you CNN and thank you Anthony for allowing people like me to live and learn through you!

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