What was your first experience of "Damn, I love cars.."?

My dad was an auto mechaniac. He had his own shop he rented, working for a company that rented Ryder trucks.After school and on the weekends I'd come by, he taught me how to do basic maintenance and brake changes and simple things. I was about 13 years old at the time.My dad was meticulous and made sure everything was done perfectly, so my first few brake changes he made sure I did everything properly.One Saturday, on his own '86 Firebird, he said "Change the brakes, I have to work on some other things" and I think he needed to fix his air compressor. I did the brake job and finished up and he immediately took it out.He drove to the back of the parking lot, it was shared by another company with a lot of large trucks. He asked me "Did you make sure everything was tightened and good to go?" I said "Yes."So he backed it up as far as he could go and did a brake stand and floored it toward a truck. He then slammed on the brakes and stopped about 2 feet from the truck."Good job!"That was the most awesome experience probably of my entire life. Cost my dad a pair of underwear though...EDIT: I still remember the exhaust and smell of that V8, it smelled glorious. via /r/cars https://ift.tt/2v8NiES

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